Leadership Problem-Solving Model

Weblink:  Problem-Solving Model from Reflective Leadership Summit Analysis 2015

This problem-solving model has the following basic elements:

1.  Define the issue(s).  (Very important! Sometimes just getting to the bottom of what the problem actually is saves much time and effort!)

2.  Analyze the data.  (What do we know about the problem so far?  Whom does this problem affect?)

3.  Generate alternatives.  (Gathering solution ideas from oneself and others!)

4.  Select decision criteria.  (What things will guide our choice(s) from the possible solutions generated?)

5.  Analyze and evaluate alternatives.

6.  Select the preferred alternative(s).  (It is very important to note that if one solution doesn’t work, we can move on to try other solutions.  Never give up!  If Plan A doesn’t work, we can move on to Plan B or Plan C!)  (Sometimes more than one solution can happen simultaneously!)

7.  Develop an action/implementation plan. (The plan should be specific, measurable, and accountable.  Resources and time frame should be established.)

Here is a PowerPoint on this leadership model which was created by Tessa McDonnell for  a Leadership Summit for Child Care Aware, NH:

Problem-Solving Model from Reflective Leadership Summit Analysis-2015