Creating Environments Conducive to Social Interaction

Environments which are conducive to enhancing social problem-solving are those which allow child movement, and which offer areas of interest and exploration.

Try a garden in the corner of a playground, if you have one. If there is no playground where you are, you can grow a vertical garden up one of the walls!

Environment 2Website 108

Fairy Houses

Here is a setup from Goodnight Moon, made by the children and teachers! A great place to play!

Set for Goodnight MoonGood Night Moon page

Here we have a library in a kindergarten consisting of Curious George books! Some by H.A. and Margaret Rey, and some by the children!

Curious George

Lofts are an exciting and excellent use of space.

Environment E

Working with Wings!!

Working with Wings (3)

Carefully placed mirrors can add dimension to a room, and children can see themselves and others interacting together.

environment 12Environment 11

And, mirrors can be painted!

Environment HEnvironment I

Learning letters in a tranquil, beautiful setting works well!

Environment 1 (2)

Natural items add a fabulous dimension to early childhood classrooms. Children can connect with their world, and with the beauty of items they either see every day or may not see every day!

Environment C

Media tables are versatile and exciting. Lots of opportunity for hands-on investigation and exploration! Water, sand, shells, items from nature, manipulatives – so much can go into a media table!

Environment X Environment Y Environment Z

Here’s a scene from Antarctica!

Environment L (2)

Environment K

Environment J

Here is an artistic way to feature words! On a Word Vine! There is a real vine on the lower left, intertwined with the brown paper bag vine made by the children.

Environment F

Bulletin boards can be 3D! Lots can be done with a branch!